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Possible Scenarios
High school graduate
A past student had said, “ I am not sure what I want to do for a living, but I think I would like to enter the medical field. I have heard from other people that being a surgeon takes many years of commitment, not to mention the cost!”
Your answer just might be our 3 or 5 day course. The experience of taking our course is unlike any other. Once you complete our course you may be a candidate to register for the Royal Academy of Surgical Assisting, leading to a license as a surgical assistant.*
*Refer to: www.RASAtraining.com
College student interested in the medical field
Many college students are looking for an entrance point to begin a career in the medical field. A former college student said: “ My grades are good but maybe not good enough to gain entrance to medical school. I am a biology major but I don’t want to work in a laboratory all my life.”
The 3 day or 5 day course is available as a sampler. It will introduce you to the medical and surgical milieu. The logs you create during our course can be used to qualify for the Royal Academy of Surgical Assistant leading to a license as a surgical assistant. The RASA training course can be taken online concomitantly during your college classes.
(Refer to: www.RASAtraining.com).
Arrangements can be made for our classes to be taken during school break.
Surgical Technicians and Nurses who want to advance their career
A surgical technician student once said: “I enjoy working in the operating room as a surgical technician handing instruments, but I would love to work as a surgical assistant shoulder to shoulder with the surgeon.”
Here at SurgPrep, we’re here to tell you that you are almost there. You already have the needed operating room experience, so taking our course will give you the logs you need to start your next career as a surgical assistant.
Our classes can be scheduled to fit most work schedules so training can be done while you are working.
Please see: Monica Najera BSN,RN, Surgical assistant in our success stories.
Medical Students or Medical Graduates
One of our students said: “ What can I do now that I didn’t match for a residency this year? How can I make money but at the same time stay in the medical field that I love so much?“
Medical student or medical graduates both domestic and foreign are welcome. A license as a surgical assistant is within reach. Our 4 week course can be taken during your rotations or after graduating. Our 4 week class will provide you the needed logs to qualify you to sit for the ABSA exam and after completing the exam you can apply for your license as a surgical assistant. This not only allows you to apply for a position as a surgical assistant at local hospitals of surgical centers, but it pads your resume for any future applications. Many of our graduates have secured positions that have lead them to a residency, which has allowed them to reach their goals beyond just assisting.
(An example of a student like this is Jesus, in our Success Stories page!)
Chiropractic Physicians
One of our past students said, “I truly love my position as a Chiropractor but when I refer my patients for surgery I get left behind. I would love to be able to assist in the operating room with the surgeon so the patient can follow up after the surgery with me at my office.”
SurgPrep can provide the needed hands-on training and surgical logs to qualify chiropractic physicians to sit for the ABSA exam. Once completed, the chiropractor will apply for a license as a surgical assistant. As a licensed surgical assistant, the chiropractor can then provide uninterrupted care from diagnosis to discharge.
(You can read Carlos Garavito’s statement in “Success Stories for a real life example of this outcome!)
ref: most complicated orthopedic surgical procedures reimburse the surgical assistant at approximately 25% of the surgeons fees, paid by the insurance company directly to the surgical assistant. Good motivation!
“Because of SurgPrep, I now have a license as a surgical assistant which allows me to expand my services to my patients. If I refer a patient for surgery, I will assist the surgeon and perform the needed follow up services at my office.”
— CARLOS GARAVITO, D.C., S.A-C., SurgPrep Graduate
Do I need any prior experience before applying for SurgPrep?
No prior experience necessary. Everything deemed necessary to enter the operating room is taught at SurgPrep prior to clinic and surgery.
How long do I have to take the course?
Every course can be modified to meet your ideal course length, but the flexibility found in our sample provided courses should be able to meet most schedules.
Where are you located?
Chicago, Illinois and Arlington Heights, Illinois. Students have come in from all across the world to take our course.
Where do I sign up?
All of our classes require prior consultation via email or phone* to allow participants to sign up. This is done so that we know your expectations, and let you know how we can either meet or exceed them. Consultation also allows us to provide you with the best possible course for your needs, for the least cost.
(Email: Surgprep.contact@gmail.com, Phone: Text to 312-877-9215)
Do I need a social security number to obtain a license as a surgical assistant?
No. many of our students are from Canada and other foreign countries.
If there are any other questions, or suggestions for questions to be added to our FAQ, please email us and we’ll be in contact with you. Thank you!